Quick update since its been a while! Methotrexate did not work and I have stopped it! It's a shame and I'm very disappointed... I did have high hopes because I believe ec is just a form of eczema/ dermatitis (which is autoimmune disease accordingly to latest research breakthrough)or sebrohic dermatitis caused by yeast/candida I thought if it was eczema methotrexate could of worked but it didn't...I think healing the gut and detoxification could cure ec for some people... I'm now seeing a naturopath and have started her treatment last time I did paleo diet for 6 months I didn't really focus on building up the immune system with proper fermented foods and the correct supplementation and I didn't do any kind of detoxification methods this time round I'm trusting my naturopath with her form of diet and detox methods and herbal medication etc etc... My diet consists of meats veg fish nuts seeds fruits rice quinoa buckwheat eggs a little bit of sourdough bread lots of fermented foods anyways I'm going to try the natural approach probably for a longer period this time as she has told me sometimes it can take upto 9-12 months for people with the natural approach... Anyways I'm enjoying being healthy! Trying to stress less excercise etc etc etc am going to try yoga and all. That bullshit lol! I'll probably update in 3 months I only come check the forum once a week now to see if there's any genuine cure claims!!! If anybody wants to ask questions feel free or just p.m good luck all and if people like lees and Daniki can get cured anyone can! Talk soon!