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Bile Minerals in Unine equal Kidney Stones?

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ketoman Views: 1,584
Published: 10 y

Bile Minerals in Unine equal Kidney Stones?

Hi I just did a 5 day Water Fast and on the last day (even after eating), i had a strong urge to urinate and it seemed to contain dark brown mineral-like particles among the urine. Does this mean that I was autolyzing kidney stones? I do sometimes wonder why I want to pee and I really can't, especially if I compare it to when I was a kid and could whiz away like a water hose.

If so, please help me know how to flush them out. The Watermelon method seems doable, but I'm not sure I can Water Fast again for a while since I've already lost a good deal of weight.

Given this, I'm going back on my Ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting in hopes to keep my body clean and possibly slowly work on things like this over time. But I'd really like to wipe it all out if I can at once.


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