Ive been suffering from what appears to be leaky gut, after a 10 day Antibiotic treatment 9 months ago. Not to mention a already suffering gut prior. Shortly after the Antibiotics my stools went soft, frequent, and smelled horribly. I started probiotics and anti fungal, and noticed my symptoms improved after I cut gluten and milk out. However, my stools have not went back to normal, yet the odor is gone.I still see some small pieces of food in there, along with mucous, and fuzzy things attached as well. Ive been taking probiotics everyday, only 8 billion though and its acidophilus and bifidus. Could this be the reason for my recovery moving slow. I get better monthly, but its very slow, not my usual bounce right back. Do I need a 100-150 billion probiotic supplement? If so what brands are highly recommended? All other suggestions are welcomed and encouraged as well.