A huge belly overhang! How do I hide it?
Hi, My name is Emily and I am 16 years of age! I currently weigh 370
pounds (26 stone) and as you know, I am extremely overweight! I live in a very small house with my parents, My room is about the size of your standard store room - Where I have my bed and a few shelves with my clothes on above the bed - This makes it really hard to manurer in my room at my size. My parents are always trying to put me on diets, but I absolutely love my fat when I am at home, but when I am out in the public its a different story. I have always been over weight, as a kid I was always the "Fattest in the class" etc... I have been bullied for being fat in the past which just made me want to eat more and more! At the age of 14 I was 260
pounds (18 stone) and I have always found it hard to walk. In the last 2 years I never stopped eating as I live next door to a small shop which sells a lot of junk food. The only exercise i get is my paper round in which I ride a bike for 10 mins every Thursday and Saturday which gives me the money to buy all my food! (plus meals from my parents) When I am at home, I don't wear clothes as I find them too uncomfortable when they are holding all my fat in. My problem is that now I have left school and I'm in sixth form, I wear my own clothes! I hate wearing trousers as they show off my fat too much so I wear very loose skirt, but they always start to pull upwards every few steps I take! This reveals my stomach which is embarrassing when everyone is looking as my stomach hangs down to just above my knees which makes it hard to hide! I need a way of holding my belly up so my skirt doesn't reveal my bulging belly overhang and my extremely large thighs. I have tried nets and such as you can see in the photos below but they just are not strong enough to hold my shear weight. If any of you have any suggestions then please leave them below as any feedback is appreciated!
Here are some body shots I took:
Side Belly view:
Rear View:
Sitting Down:
Example of my dress lifting up!
My Bedroom:
http://prntscr.com/5xcomw (And yes I will probably start to sleep elsewhere as I gain more weight!)
Yes I know I am very obese :P but I love every
inch of it when I am at home!