not really sure what his cause is ..but in 2001 he had an accident at work where a chemical spilled on him and basically shut his system down ..was in a coma for a couple of months ..died on the table a couple of times .he was a weightlifter and he was very strong/stout ..doc said if his heart wasnt as strong as it was he wouldnt have made it ..anyways he recovered ..had to learn to do many things all over again from being in a coma for that long ..his liver basically shut down on him ..his coma was drug induced however so his body and liver that shut down could recover .he was given drugs to help his liver rest and rebuild ..and was on a strict diet regimen when he left the hospital for a while .he tried to go back to work but he just couldnt ..he worked at Ball canning jar company in Ohio ..doc then decided that he needed to be on disability ..said his brain wouldnt be the same .he couldnt sleep at all he stayed up for days at a time ..there was clearly some brain damage there ..he cannot handle stress of any kind .they diagnosed him with myositis after a few round of tests and also found a psuedo tumor behind his eye ..then had to have quite a few spinal taps to drain the fluid around his brain .one time they took too much and he had a really bad headache for days and literally had to crawl around on the floor to get from one place to another ..the needle was long and the procedure was very painful ..he doesnt wish to go through that again but hasnt had too since . he says he has always had pain as long as he can remember though even as a child cause I was thinking the accident could have had something to do with it .. so I really dunno .. anyways all the meds he was on he decided to quit em all cause he didnt want to be dependant on them now he uses weed for pain and to help with Depression and to give him an appetite so he can eat ..if he didnt have that he wouldnt be able to to sleep or be halfway normal..he is on disability which he hates but I just would like to find a way to help him recover completely ..this disease used to be rare but more and more cases are popping up lately in the past few years ..hoping to find out all I can from others espcially other ones that have it ..they told him he would be in a wheelchair in 8 yrs if he didnt take the steroids and other meds ..well newsflash ! he isnt ..he has defied the odds and continues to push through the pain and workout regularly ..he feels that is keeping him going at this point ..his body aches , his muscles knot up and he is always hurting somewhere and he has chronic fatique and has trouble understanding some things and also has trouble with his vision still at times from the tumor ..sorry so long of a post but I am just hoping someone out there can help