Re: Bad urine body odor all over body through skin pores.
I am a 56 year old female, dealing with hot flashes. I was taking the over the counter Estroven, but wanted to try something that might help cut down my hot flashes, so my physician suggested I try the herb, Black Cohosh. I stopped the Estroven and started taking the Black Cohosh about a month ago. Then last week, I started noticing my hands smelling like urine. I went online to a site called Healthy Net and searched Black Cohosh. Here's just a little clip from the site:
This is a very active, powerful, and useful remedy, and appears to fulfill a great number of indications. It possesses an undoubted influence over the nervous system. In small doses the appetite and digestion are improved, and larger amounts augment the secretions of the gastro-intestinal tract. Excretions from the skin and kidneys are increased by it, the peculiar earthy odor of the drug being imparted to the urine; the secretions of the bronchial mucous surfaces are also augmented under its administration.
So I have immediately stopped taking it and am hoping the unpleasant urine smell goes away.
Good luck everybody on finding a solution for yourselves...hopefully I have found mine! I'll add another comment when I notice the smell has gone away.