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New to flushing - malic acid help?
BoPeep75 Views: 1,284
Published: 10 y

New to flushing - malic acid help?

I flushed once last year after some gall bladder attacks and the doctor trying to get me to have unwanted surgery.  I didn't have anything come out except for some very small fatty globules, not actual stones.  I have been very hesitant to go through it again because of taste.  (I did the epsom salt/apple juice one - forget the name).  I read somewhere and have since lost the link of a specific gentleman going on about how there's low chance of success without the malic acid, and a lot of what I read recently does point to that.  So I've bought some (liquid) to add to my apple juice to increase it as much as possible.  How much should I add and how long in advance should I be drinking a bunch of apple juice and malic acid to best increase my chance of seeing stones come out?  I think I prepped for five or six days last time with only apple juice, and I don't think I honestly drank enough although I tried to drink multiple glasses a day.  I'm determined to do a better job this time around.  Advice appreciated!



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