Here is what worked for me. I saw plenty of traditional doctors-none of them helped. I was diagnosed with morgellons by Dr. Bill Harvey-(google him. He died shortly after-heart attack
Morgellons drove me nuts- I set a date to end my life and then promised I would try to find a cure-I would go anywhere and do anything-I didn't want to die
I found two doctors who helped. Dr. Tom Rau at Paracelsus, Switzerland and Dr. Simon Yu in St. Louis. Both are medical doctors who would be considered alternative docs. I saw plenty of other docs-none helped-none really tried. Everyone of Dr. Rau's patients-cancer-lyme-morgellons-get their jaw checked. Dr. Yu also checked the jaw and both understand the connection your jaw has to your health. If I had morgellons I would go see one of them-nomatter what the cost. I would go today.