Re: Connie Was Called a Bigot for Standing up for Truth
SWA:Can Catholics be saved?
Rainy: Of course, Catholics can be saved and I believe many of them are already saved! Anybody can be saved. The Bible says "whosoever will".
SWA: "The Catholic church is preaching false doctrine that is leading many people into damnation, while giving them false assurances of salvation. This false doctrine should be condemned, but anyone in the Catholic church still has the capacity to obtain salvation through Christ if they choose to come to Him."
Rainy: I wholeheartedly agree with you. I will even go a step further. Many Protestant churches are doing the same thing. How many Protestant churches give people a false assurance of salvation just because of their church attendance, baptism or other works? I have met plenty of people who think they are saved and I can smell a false assurance all over them. I am not a judge of their hearts. God knows for sure, but they seem to have nothing real from Christ. I have also met some Catholics who seem very dedicated to Christ. They may be messed up with some false doctrine, but I sincerely doubt that Catholics who have truly repented and given their lives to Jesus are on their way to hell just because they are Catholics. Some of them seem to have the true joy of the Lord. I believe people can find Jesus if they sincerely seek Him even in a church that preaches false doctrine. Remember Hebrews 11:6 is for all of us. "He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."
SWA "Maybe some Catholics, when they see the false doctrine being preached in their church will leave the church, or maybe some Catholics will reach true salvation, without ever realizing that anything in the Catholic church was false doctrine."
Rainy: I have met lots of people who have left the Catholic church because as they studied the Bible on their own and sought God, God opened their eyes so they left.
SWA: "In some sense she is a bigot, and in some sense you are a bigot Rainy"
Rainy: Thank you. I am proud to be called a bigot, blind, stupid and self-righteous as long as it is because I love all people and I am telling them the truth out of love for them. God does not wish that any should perish. I share that same desire with God. I know Jesus is the only way anybody is going to receive salvation. If there were any other way He would have never come to earth to pay the price for them. It would not make sense. I could not live with myself if I told someone who is in deception that they are saved when I know they are serving a false God etc. I could not live with myself knowing that someone may lose his/her soul because I was too much of a coward to speak up for truth. I, like Connie, have to speak truth. Maybe someone will listen and receive salvation. For those who didn't listen to truth, at least I didn't lie to them. Their blood will not be on my hands. I would rather be called a bigot than to be a coward. I would rather lose my head, as many already have, than my soul. I will never deny Christ. I will never say there is another way to be saved. If that is what a bigot is than I am a bigot and proud of it!