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Re: Can I still have mercury in brain, despite dmps challenge test showing low numbers..?
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Re: Can I still have mercury in brain, despite dmps challenge test showing low numbers..?

I do not have aspergers that i know of. Yes the aminos are for alertness and basically a number of transmitters. They are still not working that i can feel. Yes i am using cutlers method however i am using a product that contains a mixture of chlorella (takes a lg amount to do anything)Nac, edta, garlic, cilantro, ala, and dmsa.. If i take 2 every 3 hrs it gives me the right doses of 50mg dmsa and 50mg ala.. I really think the other ingredients help knock the candida down and chlorella maybe is helping my gut as the mercury escapes. So far so good. In the past i have severe bloating from dmsa. This time not as bad.

Regarding the mms, its sodium chlorite mixed with citric acid . I highly suggest doing your own research. Watch Kerri Rivera on youtube and how she uses it to cure autism. I suggest her book. 120 plus cases cured. I am writing this on my phone if this seems scattered..


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