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turiya Views: 3,960
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Re: Other New Age Theosophist Teachers (Drunvalo)

Herbert wrote:

Quote Hi Turiya,
I am wondering if there is anything here that you were not aware of. I mean the part about David Icke and a spiritual entity called Rakorski.

Thank you, Herbert, for providing the link to the David Livingstone article (12/08/2013).
I have not delved much into David Icke. I have previously noticed that there was the youtube video present called Debunking David Icke, but was not compelled to really check it out until you sent me that David Livingstone article link.

However, while going through the article, and what the various beliefs that have been propagated by those promoting New Age Theosophy. I’ve been quite aware that the very early UFO contactees & religious movements have pretty much all had strong connections to Blavatsky’s Theosophy, as well as alien entities that seemingly show themselves in various forms that the Velon use to disguise themselves with.

In going through the reading of the article, I have found that this was the first I have heard of David Icke’s connection to a spiritual entity named Rakorski, who he also identifies as being the same as St. Germain, and which notably has also a connection to Alice Bailey, Blavatsky’s leading representative in the 20th century.

As I’ve written previously, I had particularly noted that Andrew Bartzis, along with fellow cohort Rob Potter, are strong proponents of the “I AM” Activity (Ascended Master Teachings), founded by Guy Ballard. They have held many gatherings in Mount Shasta & elsewhere. One of the main events that is promoted is that of attempting to open up a Mount Shasta Portal, which would allow alien (Velon) ETs access to planet Earth.

The interview conducted by Lance White with Andrew Bartzis in fact was held in the Mount Shasta vicinity. Andrew Bartzis having specifically stated in that interview his belief that the alien races need to be involved with the upcoming transformation of planet Earth into the 4th & 5th dimensions. Hence, the purpose & proposal to followers to put their meditation efforts toward opening of Portals in various locations that they’ve held their gatherings – under the guise that Earth needs the help of such off-world aliens. Andrew specifically believes that the Anunnaki are victims in all of this just like us human beings are, seemingly “trapped” in a ongoing & endless recycling process of endless reincarnation.

Note: David & Drunvalo are Similar in Color of Shirts
Leadbeater was also into this particular shade of blue

I am also aware that the Church Universal and Triumphant, established in 1958 in Montana and led by Mark Prophet and later by Elizabeth Clare Prophet (also involved the channeling of the so-called ‘Ascended Master’ St. Germain) was indeed a Theosophical off-shoot. The notion that Mount Shasta, in northern California, has been rumored to be the hidden citadel of Atlantean Masters within the mountain, which had become popular with occult and Theosophical communities in America, this has a striking similarity to Drunvalo Melchizedek’s pronouncements & belief that a mountain in Bolivia has been taken up as an Earth residence by the Ascended Masters. As you know Drunvalo is a most popular ‘New Age’ Theosophy teacher – of the “I AM Activity” & Ascended Master teachings. Drunvalo claims to be the great, great, great, great, great, grandson of Machiventa Melchizedek, who had supposedly been the original being that established the Great White Brotherhood, followed by the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays (also found in the Alice Bailey & the Elizabeth Clare Prophet materials).

Machiventa Melchizedek

If you ever get time to read his story from the time he got into the Order of the Melchizedek Priesthood (, you may find it an interesting read. In much the same manner that Tom Kenyon had met two angels, in which they direct him to construct the Celestoriums...

Tom Kenyon Meets with Two Hathor Angels

Drunvalo also explains within that read his meeting with two of his angels (of different colors), who direct him to do various sorts of things, as well.

Drunvalo Melchizedek's Two Angels

Among the many claims that he has made, he is not shy in stating references to Alice Bailey’s material, the Ascended Master Teachings, Arch-angel Lucifer as being the greatest angel that God ever made, & Arch-angel Michael being the polar opposite to Lucifer, but somehow working together at the present time now.

In a most recent question & answer youtube, Drunvalo promotes the notion that The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays (Alice Bailey material) now physically exists in Bolivia – (Was it not in Bolivia (or Peru) where David Icke received his first spiritual contact? And also, did not Chris Thomas make reference to the fact that the Velon that resided in Tibet had made a move to Lake Titicaca, the Chris Thomas quote is below) – Anyways, on the side of the Andes mountain that faces the sun, as Drunvalo states, there is a crack in the side of this mountain. And upon entering this crack one will find what seemingly he describes as a kind of Shambhala, which is always warm, with lush tropical vegetation, with waterfalls. Accordingly, this is where the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays chose to place their physical location on Earth.

Drunvalo continues to explain that ‘The Brotherhood’ is prepared to receive the 7.1 billion people on the planet as we go through the ascension process, to make sure that everyone will remain safe & secure – making sure that nobody will get lost on their way to the 4th & 5th dimensions – a kind of an alternate rendition to the people of the planet being picked up by spacecraft to take them off-world, imo.

Velon Have Moved Their Location From Tibet to Lake Titicaca in Bolivia/Peru

Chris Thomas wrote:

"With the successful overthrow of Velus/Lucifer and the Illuminati, this sixth emissary moved the seat of Velon activities on Earth away from their traditional Himalayas to a new location next to Lake Titicaca in Peru. Together with a small group of Velon, this sixth emissary has been attempting to create disruption to the primary Earth energy point located there, as well as to continue contacting human individuals and groups through channeled means. There would appear to be a number of Velon plans that are, as yet, unfulfilled and their attempts at disrupting the Earth's energy patterns and human development are continuing."

In a previous interview with Lilou, Drunvalo explains how he took 99 other of his followers down within the Earth to meet with Plasma beings that have lived within the Earth for thousands of years. To me, this is another version of the Hollow Earth myth (and the belief of the Vril Society), except these entities can live within the molten lava. In that same interview (or close follow-up one), Drunvalo claims that these Plasma beings had visited him in a location in Sedona on top of some of the red rocks there.

As we have both realized previously, the amount that the Velon have influenced the way human beings are thinking is quite massive. Wondering how humanity will ever come to rise above all the BS that has been propagated is undeniably a daunting affair. I can see why Jordan Maxwell has come to believe that the human race will not win the fight against those that intend to rule this world & make the rest of us part of their slave empire.




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