Urethritis still after 4 years
Hi All, im new here and i will try keep this short!
4 years ago i had symptoms of urethra stinging, urinary frequency/urgency and brown/redness discoloration around opening of urethra snd discharge
i tested positive for chlamydia and urethritis, the
Antibiotics (1 pill of azithromycin and 1 week of metronodizale) got rid of the stinging and urgency. i went back to the GUM clinic and all the doctor did was say ' there is no discharge and chlamydia can be residual,nothing they can do and go to GP. more
Antibiotics for a week from GP done nothing.
had a cystoscopy done and the urologist just said my symptoms are because of the urethritis i have. i went back to the gum clinic last week to tell them this, i am waiting results from a urine and blood test, the nurse said there was no discharge to look under the microscope with but she did put a syringe in there to take a sample of something so not sure what she is checking for there?
the nurse also said that there are some ' bugs ' they dont check for like mycoplasma etc
im just wondering what this brown discoloration could be round urethra opening.. fungal infection?
is there another STI i could possibly have that is keeping the urethra inflammed for all this time? seems unusual i have had the same symptoms for 4 years. i have heard that trichomonas can cause urethral inflammation?
is there any natural home remedies like poultices i could use on the urethra that are antiseptic,anti-inflammatory,antibacterial, antimicrobial that will kill the bacteria responsible and disinfect the area.
dr schulzes deep tissue oil looks good but says to be cautious in sensitive areas! although i have seen people say they would use it there as its diluted in a carrier oil.
any suggestions would be much appreciated :)