"I've yet to see where it's effective in humans. The tests were done in vitro where it's easy to maintain ongoing contact for 24 hours with candida cells. You're not likely to find that happening in the body. A similar study was done with sesame oil and peppermint oil, where 24 hour contact was able to effect the state and virulence of candida.
In the study, they used 200 grams of powdered G. sylvestre to yield 800mg of gymnemic acid and cite the low yield as a drawback. Most powdered forms like the ones you find on iHerb, etc., are 400mg capsules. You would need 500 capsules just to equal the amount of powder used to yield the acid in the study.
The study also states that the gymnemic acids weren't effective against candida in an embedded condition."
That was Jeff's answer regarding this herb. Fair enough right? Not taking sides but he has a point. I want this stuff to work too.