Hi, everyone , just to let you know that is not only weak people who can suffer from temporary or chronic toxicity.
I am a healthy person who have the luck to live in a place where i dont suffer from different kind of pollutions or chemicals, i only eat fresh foods , i dont have sleep disorders, sexual life nothing to say, brain functioning thats okay.
Last time as usual , i drunk a new wine i have never tested before in normal quantity (2 glasses). Guess what ? I suffered during 3 days of symptoms linked to fibromyalgia /
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome / Flu (painfull shoulders, headaches, neck was blocked ,nausea, cold , couldnt sleep normally .
I knew the problem was due to the wine that my body couldnt detoxify as usual (maybe to much chemicals in the wine ); so i tried to drink as much as water i could , i took few suppléments . As a healthy person , i managed to detoxify my body in 3 days almost naturally .
So people whatever you ingest , drink, or chemical exposure can affect your health but never wait to much time before to detoxify .