So I am proud to say that I just finished my first water fast! It was 8 days long and I am on day 4 of breaking the fast. I have been very careful and made sure to do everything by the book. I fasted for spiritual and cleansing reasons.
On day two after my fast I began to notice an insane amount of Acne forming around my face and chest. Now it just looks insane. I was curious if my body is still detoxing? And if so when would the Acne go away. Could I continue my breaking fast and then move onto a normal diet with excessive and not have to worry about the Acne ?
What steps should I take to ensure the acne goes away?
It's strange that I got the acne AFTER the breaking of my fast.
I am very worried as I feel like I have done a great service to my body but now I am not sure what I should do.