How do you guys get through life dealing with this? It hurts so much that we have to deal with this issue and no doctor can help us. I have a fecal odor and I have tried vegan diet, zinc supplements, chlorophyll, no meat diet, and various other things and nothing has worked. I have tried everything I can think of. It becomes so frustrating at times that life is put on hold for something so small, but yet so big. The complaints each and everyday. I can be in my house and hear the complaints of my neighbors. Its so hard to understand this problem. A homeless person does no smell as bad. How can people actually think this is something we choose? If all it took was soap and water to be cured, we would all have been cured long ago. I don't get how people can be so small minded. Sorry to rant, but Im just tired. I need some advice on how to deal with this issue each and everyday?