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Fecal Body odor
  Views: 1,099
Published: 11 y

Fecal Body odor

Hello all! I am currently struggling with the same Body Odor problem many of you are. This started when I was 13, around this same time I started getting sharp stomach pains which I ignored for a while and then finally asked my doctor. She insisted it was an ulcer and I moved on. The stomach pain went away over the years (I am now 18) but other digestive issues have occurred (constipation ,inability to gain weight, occasional cramps). The Body Odor is the one thing that has persisted throughout these past five years. I finally got the courage to see my doctor about a month ago and after a several hour drive from my college to the doctor she had no idea how to deal with the problem. She ran a simple blood test to make me feel better but the results came back normal so now I don't know what to do. I of course shower (several times a day)use deodorant, and have tried a million different remedies. Chlorophyll doesn't work for me and I just started taking paraGONE, a probiotic, and fiber pills, so far I have not noticed a difference but it is still early. As you can assume college is not a good time to have this problem, especially since I have a roommate and I just always assumed this problem would've ben gone by now. If anyone has suggestions for next steps I should take it would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking of seeing a colonic or going to a gastroenterologist, although I am embarrassed to discuss this problem wit more people If I have to see them I will. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer!


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