Dr. Wilson Cleansing program.
Colon Cleansing
Colon Cleansing Program #2
* To systematically rid the intestines of any overgrowth of problem causing pathogens.
* To remove unwanted debris from the small intestines and colon that these pathogens feed on.
* To rebalance the intestinal environment with the proper friendly bacteria.
Work only with health practitioners who understand gradual and gentle intestinal detoxification. Show them the products you are using. There is nearly unanimous approval for this program among health practitioners who understand detoxification because the ingredients are so gentle yet so beneficial.
You may experience mild gas pains during the first few days in reaction to the dying-off of pathogens (also known as a Herksheimer reaction). If they are severe or persist, decrease the amount of product you're taking. If they continue, stop temporarily and consult your health practitioner. The recommended dosages are for the average person and can be decreased when necessary if you are small, sensitive or health impaired or increased (but not by more than 50%) if you are large.
1. While doing this program substantially increase the fiber (fresh fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains) in your diet and drink at least 6 eight-ounce glasses of distilled or spring water each day. If you have fewer than 2 bowel movements per If you have fewer than 2 bowel movements per day or your bowel movements are difficult, consume more water during the day.
2. In the evening, 30-60 minutes before bedtime and at least 2 hours after supper, take 10 drops of Body-Guard in 8
oz of water (distilled/spring) or non-citrus juice. If you suspect a yeast or fungal overgrowth such as Candida Albicans, take the Body-Guard in water only.
3. 30 minutes after taking Body Guard, take 2 capsules of Squeaky Clean with a glass of distilled or spring water.
4. First thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything, take 10 drops Body Guard in a glass of non-citrus juice or water.
5. 30 minutes later take 2 capsules of Squeaky Clean with a glass of distilled or spring water.
6. Twice during the day, at least 2 hours after a meal and 1 hour before (e.g. at 10:00am and 4:00pm), take 10 drops of Body Guard in a glass of non-citrus juice or water.
7. Beginning on Day 2 continue to follow steps 1-6 above but also take 1/2 teaspoon or 2 capsules of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bifidus* combination bacterial replacement 30 minutes after taking Body-Guard. The morning and evening doses of bacterial replacement can be taken with the Squeaky Clean.
8. Continue through day 7.
9. Beginning on the 10th day stop taking the Body Guard, reduce Squeaky Clean to 1 in the morning and 1 at night and continue taking 2 capsules or 1/2 teaspoon of replacement bacteria with the .
10. Continue for 4 more days.
This completes the program for intestinal dysbiosis. If symptoms still persist, consult an alternative health physician and have a stool culture done by a laboratory specializing in stool analysis. Most of these laboratories can determine exactly what bacteria or other microorganisms are causing the problem and which natural agents or drugs will most effectively eradicate them.
*Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bifidus combinations can be obtained from most health food stores or online. Only purchase ones kept refrigerated that have a bacterial count in excess of 2.5 billion CFUs (colony forming units) per gram or capsule (10 billion per teaspoon).
Why Program #2 is so Effective
This program is gentle but more thorough than most other intestinal detoxification programs. Even people who have done weeks of coffee enemas, castor oil and raw foods have found it very beneficial. The reason for its success is the completeness of both the Body-Guard and Squeaky Clean formulations.
Body-Guard combines the effectiveness of
Colloidal Silver with several herbs used historically for their detoxifying and anti-microbial activities. This formula was tested in the microbiology lab of a major university for its ability to kill microbes that cause infections and disruption of the intestinal tract. The results showed that Body-Guard killed not only these type of bacteria but also the bacteria that cause gangrene, tetanus, and diphtheria. Tests for its anti-fungal effects on such fungi as Candida albicans were also very impressive.
In Program #2 Body-Guard is used to eliminate the unwanted microorganisms residing in the intestinal tract while Squeaky Clean clears them out. In Steps 7-10, the combination of Squeaky Clean and replacement bacteria recreates a healthy environment in your intestines that helps prevent further pathogenic overgrowth.