What your dealing with threader is basically fancy "lyme" disease. You can go read the links page on my site but I'll post a few here.From the standpoint of treating your morgellons as a Bartonella infection the person who I consider to be the number one Bartonella expert is Dr Ed Breitschwerdt, he has said that removing a Bartonella infection is a daunting task. Just like removing a Morgellons infection is a daunting task, hmmm coinceidense?
There are two reasons that LLMD's have had no success in removing Bartonella infections. (1) the use Antibiotics which the microbes are readily resistant to, and (2)they don't use small enough molecules to penetrate the bones.
Read the Bartonella page of the site to find links showing how bartonella infects your bones, Osteomyelitis.
. Synthetic antibiotics are not intelligently selective and they also damage human DNA. When understanding that you need a healthy body ecology to have healthy DNA , the "Fluid Genome" then this unhealthy body ecology can give rise to other health issues.
. “A team of scientists at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University has discovered why long-term treatment with many common antibiotics can cause harmful side effects.”
. On the other hand plant medicines like Cat’s Claw are intelligently selective and attack pathogenic DNA while ignoring DNA from beneficial microbes. This is why they only kill bad bacteria inside you. In fact they actually work to repair DNA damage.
. “Cat’s claw repairs DNA damage caused by chemotherapy”