Ive experienced a lot of irregularities the past several months with reading others' posts to this forum usually involving embedded links, audio, video and such , many times they just don't work from this end ... sometimes I see posts with several screens worth of blank space, sometimes i see similar followed by a pasted article or link or vid appears way down at the bottom .... makes me wonder who besides me even bother to scroll down screen after screen of empty forum post space just to see if there is something way down there . Sometimes i post links or a/v and later cant see them from my end using same computer.... sometimes an a/v file plays audio but I don't see the vid or player..... i dunno, my iPad is not state of artt but is about as up to date as it needs to be, i can understand the occasional glitch but im talking way more than that, but i see few other people commenting on these kinds of net weirdness so its easy to assume problem on my end.
Anyway, tried to follow your link and landed on a page at the source site with message " oops, page missing" but at least in this instance i found the article your were linking ..... i think ..... puts me to mind of Trapper's comment earlier about the possibility of cookies that block some people but not others ..... who knows? , rant over, carry on.....