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What does it mean to be saved?
saywhatagain Views: 739
Published: 11 y

What does it mean to be saved?

I think we can agree that being saved is one of the most important things we can do in this life. We have debated about this topic a few times on this board and I often think about this issue within my own mind and I want to share my recent thoughts about this.

I do actually think that being saved is much more simple than in my previous thinking. Jesus says that anyone that has faith in Him will be saved, or course there is also repentance, but I think actually just that desire in our heart to come to Christ is all it really takes. You place your faith in Him, you repent of your evil flesh, and you only desire to come to Him. I think that I was mistaking the complete knowledge that you are saved with the faith that you are saved. In other words, there are times even now, when I cannot feel God's love and the light of Christ, I am walking through complete darkness but that doesn't mean that I am not saved, it just means that God has this path for me. The important thing is the faith part. If we prayed with faith to Christ and He just instantly and miraculously let me bask in His love that would be amazing, but just because you don't feel that instantly, doesn't mean I am not saved.

I realize that I have been very lacking in my faith with thinking am I saved or not, because I can't feel it, but now I realize, yes I am absolutely saved because I have complete and total faith in Christ through all things, and even though I cannot feel it in my heart, I believe and know that He will never break a promise, and He said if we have faith in Him, we are saved. I have been waiting to feel the change in my heart, and I don't feel it yet, but still I know that it will happen. I do believe that He will grant me the grace that I will be able to feel His love completely in this life, in His time.


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