I'm looking for info on using plants to produce all my oxygen. I dream of an urban location where the windows are closed so people aren't breathing in the pollution from outdoors or being subjected to the noise. Closed windows solve both these problems. But I'm worried that plants cannot produce all my air needs. There's more to air than oxygen, right? Do any plants also produce the other ingredients we need? And imagine growing food indoors instead of silly plants that produce nothing except oxygen. You could have a lot of variety of food growing in there. The worry would be involved in maintaining them.
Visit a plant store with the place packed with plants. Do you not notice the air? Imagine that kind of "air life" in your own house. Its a dream of mine.
Also, imagine how much cheaper it would be to heat or air condition with no air exchange! I think it would be enormous savings there. If you talk to a store about this they just look at you with a blank stare. Clueless. Maybe there are many reasons I don't know about.