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Homeopathy ?
Ginagirl Views: 1,244
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Homeopathy ?

The main principle of homeopathy is not the dilution of the remedy. It is "like cures like or similar"

So the potentiation of the remedy (dilution, succulation; from the link above) of remedies was partly to avoid the toxic effect some of them. Heavy metals, or bacterias, viruses, poisons. Like rattle venom; the homeopatic remedy made from it may come in very handy, if bitten by one. But only if the symptoms match.

"Dr. Gail Derin studied the symptoms of Ebola Zaire, the most deadly of the three that can infect human beings. Dr. Vickie Menear, M.D. and homeopath, found that the remedy that most closely fit the symptoms of the 1914 "flu" virus, Crotalus Horridus, also fits the Ebola virus nearly 95% symptom-wise! Thanks go to these doctors for coming up with the following remedies:

1. Crotalus Horridus (rattlesnake venom) 2. Bothrops (yellow viper) 3. Lachesis (bushmaster snake) 4. Phosphorus 5. Merc. cor.

If you are not in the U.S., you must locate your closed homeopathic practitioner and ask him or her to order these remedies for you from Hahnemann Pharmacy, (510) 327-3003 (Albany, California, a suburb of Oakland). If your country's laws allow you to call a homeopathic pharmacy directly, do so. In any case be sure to find a homeopathic practitioner you can work with. Do not try to take care of yourself without the further education and experience that a homeopath can give you.

If you're not sure where to find your closest homeopath, call the National Center of Homeopathy, (703) 548-7790, Take this article with you and let a homeopath read it and instruct you on how to use the remedies.

During the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918, eighty percent of the people treated with allopathic drugs died. Eighty percent of the people who took homeopathic remedies, mostly Crotalus Horridus, survived. We are once again faced with a virus that is poised sweep our country.

Similar; "5. A report by a homeopath in New York City is sobering: He studied the problems in behavior associated with city living and considered the water supply as a source of destabilizing influence. He noted that as the water flowed down from reservoirs, falling down pipes and vibrating around bends in the pipes there might be a potentizing phenomenon on the chemicals in the water. One chemical added to the water was fluoride. Indeed, the symptoms caused by fluorinum include many of the social problems seen in the city (unsociable behavior, sexual over-excitement, mental exhaustion and fatigue, etc.). It was as if the entire city had been treated with long-term exposure to the vibrational energy of fluoride. He found that prescribing homeopathic fluoric acid helped a number of his patients. It acted almost like an antidote, or mirror image of the negative influence from the vibrated fluoride water."




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