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Should Christians Evangelize?
The Hunter Views: 1,478
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Should Christians Evangelize?

Me at the preachers lectern?
Really? Well those two video's below do it once again.
What NOT to do as a Christian?
Sounds just the same old dogma that one hears all the time, so why don't people just give it a rest and allow others to live their beliefs and lives the way they choose?

Another thing, I have been evangelizing for some time here, even today. No-one joined in did they?
Another thing, I see myself as a Christian but my ways do not go down very well with some of you here because I do not equate with the way Christians supposed to.

It does not bother me in the least but it seems bothers them. I will not be imprisoned by another's mandatory beliefs and that freedom of expression I will keep forever.

I never take the Lords name in vane but I get the feeling others think that I do. Well to hell with them because they misinterpret me, so for me to evangelize for the "sake" of it does not wash with me. I leave that to the "real" Christians who can preach chapter and verse to others in their correct manner.
So Rainy, because you put up the message in the beginning I think that you should beginneth the first lesson my dearest:)


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