Complete Strawman
From the source cited above
"The average age of the Kenyans was 21, and mean height was 1.75 meters (~5' 9"), with remarkably little variation in stature (the shortest individual was 1.70 meters, the tallest 1.80 meters, which meant that the smallest and greatest heights were just three percent away from the mean)."
The average age is 21 of these athletes is... keep a person on that kind of diet above, and lets see how well they fair as the years pass.
Natways Arguement: Because 21 year old kenyans can perform exceptionally at marathons on a diet mostly of calories, it MUST be healthy.
This a complete STRAWMAN. But as usual... natway likes to grasp at straws. Just because a 21 year old takes steroids and can tip over cars, doesn't make it healthy. Its the same thing with all that sugar. I have yet to see any kind longevity study toting the benefits of this kind of diet.
Aswell the kenyans also ate meat 4 times a week... the 80-10-10 diet is a vegan diet. Vegans do not eat meet even once a week, let alone 4 times. Saying that meat eating Kenyan Marathon runners are exemplifying the greatness of the 80-10-10 vegan diet is absolutely absurd.