Morgellons Disease Cured.LOOK. I contracted Morgellons Disease 18 months ago. Yes I had ALL the myriad of symptoms. After 8 months of Hell on Earth, I showed someone the while pustibles coming out of my skin. The next day the Hospital rang and said they now realise there is something physical wrong with me and could I come in. The Doctor put me on a drug called AMILSULPRIDE!!!!! It is a phsyc. drug. And it works!!!!
Interesting that a phsyc. drug works on the PHYSICAL condition of Morgellons!!!It does!!! I want to scream it from the rooftops!! Sutherland Hospital is now aware of Morgellons Disease and cured me. I only took the tablets for a few months, have been off them for 5 months. I sincerely hope this message finds you.