I am just wondering about pain killers. Every month I have terrible period pain which can be unbearable. I have tried to not take pain killers and just use heat packs but it can get so bad I need morphine if I leave it too long. I have tried ibuprofen, codeine, and Salicin (White willow bark extract)to relieve pain. They do offer some relief but they upset my gut with extreme bloating, constipation, or diarrhea, and I just feel fatigued and gross. I have tried evening primrose oil but I don't tolerate it. I don't know what to do anymore.
Do you know of something that can offer pain relief that doesn't upset the gut?
I have read Phenylalanine can help? what are your thoughts?
I want to smoke marijuana during those times but my partner won't let me, so that isn't an option!