Myths vitamin/mineral health
This argument is valid in many ways, but it is also a strawman.
I agree that today Big Pharma spends billions on disinformation, lies, and such in order to generate more profits. Their profits lay in keeping people with their diseases... so they remain hooked on drugs. However I believe the agenda of keeping people sick goes much further than the profits of big pharma. I personally believe there is a world wide agenda to keep people sick. Its why many pharmaceutical companies also have their hands in the agriculture business making herbicides and pesticides. These companies aren't ignorant, they know exactly what they are doing.
That being said, many drugs can actually help people, such as those with leprosy. Something that has plagued humanity for many millennia. Thankfully, due to advances in
Science its a disease that humanity no longer needs to suffer... now or in the future. However I have heard that it does crop up from time to time, like the black plague.
"A single dose of combination therapy has been used to cure single lesion paucibacillary leprosy: rifampicin (600 mg), ofloxacin (400 mg), and minocycline (100 mg). The child with a single lesion takes half the adult dose of the 3 medications."
The cure for leprocy however was found in the 1940's. Today is a different age.