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Yemeni Sidr Honey - The World's Best Natural Aphrodisiac
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Published: 11 y

Yemeni Sidr Honey - The World's Best Natural Aphrodisiac

While there are different natural honey products that are used to enhance sex drive, Yemeni honey is one of its kind. It is far much different from other kinds of honey found in various regions. Honey has been given a lot of attention in books of history and in various traditions, indicating its prime role in human life. In the Bible, it is mentioned in most chapters. The book of exodus goes to describe the Promised Land as “land flowing with milk and honey" (33:3). On Madhu Purnima, Buddhists share honey with monks to commemorate a significant historical event while the Quran has an entire Surah dedicated to bees (Surah an-Nahl).

Honey in Traditional Medicine

Use of honey as medicine was started long ago. In the Hadith, Prophet Muhammad praises honey for its healing and nutritious content. In ancient Greek and Egypt, concoctions made of honey and other herbs were added on wounds and burns. Traditional Chinese Medicine has always made use of honey in treating gastrointestinal disturbances. According to traditional yoga practice, consuming honey daily is recommended since it assists in strengthening the circulatory system.

Honey as an Aphrodisiac

The word "honeymoon" actually originates from the Vikings and Persians who used to give a lot of honey to newly wedded couples to enhance male stamina and fertility as they went, well, to honeymoon. The same practice is done during Indian traditional weddings where guests are recommended to come with gifts of honey. Most African societies also value this substance for the flavour it adds to marriages.

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