Be Proud
Hi Mari,
You've made a lot of healthy changes. You should be so proud of yourself!! Does your family go along with your new lifestyle? That's always a big plus. Your winters are earlier than mine as I'm south of you but not truly in the south. ;~) I pray that this winter is not like last! It was sooooo cold! I could not take it & I got depressed. I'm sure that your temps were worse than ours! We had something like 5 weeks of below freezing! It was incredible!!
I agree that the S.A.D is questionable. I rarely have dairy but I do love plain yogurt/kefir & then I'll add my own fruit. I always buy organic yogurt, or kefir. That's about it with dairy. I think this whole new campaign that dairy causes weight-loss is bs. The dairy farmers must have some strong lobbyists.
That's great that your energy is up. I'm on day 10 & my energy went down days 8-10. I'm trying to go 21, or 30 days. I'll have to see how well I hold up. I had to leave work early yesterday because I was constantly running to the bathroom. And today I just feel too weak so I didn't go in. I hope that over this weekend I can regain my strength. I can't miss work & I don't want to be rushing to the br constantly. It's very tiring.
I'm sure that your asthma is much better now? That's interesting about working with a chiropractor whilst mcing. I have a friend who had terrible allergies & she went to a chiropractor for a few sessions & abracadabra no more allergies. I'd read of this type of reaction to spinal manipulation but was never sure if it was an exaggeration or not. I've only gone to a chiropractor a few times when I was feeling off balance from pulling a muscle & I liked the experience very much. I should do it again this time for overall health. Maybe it would help with my energy levels since I've had difficulty with maintaining my normal level.
Anyway, I thank you for sharing your mc experience & your after mc protocol. I hope that all is well with you & that you do get the results you desire very soon.
Best Wishes