Re: re: Want to cure your candida quick? Read this! No Supplements needed!
I had chronic fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, depression, constipation. The list goes on.
I eat roughly 4000-5000 calories a day and do not gain an ounce on a high carb raw vegan diet.
I eat a lot of bananas, dates, mangos,melons, tender leafy greens, and celery.
Google dr Doug graham and his 80/10/10 book. He has a section just for candida.
I reacted bad to all sugars too and now I tolerate them better than ever because I reduced my fat intake to 10% or less of my daily intake.
If you start out on this diet I would suggest a green juice only fast. No fruits. For 3 days. Friday,Saturday,Sunday. That should help with the fat in the blood stream.
Then I would eat mono fruit meals. In the form of smoothies because you need a high volume in order to get in calories.
2500 cals minimum for females
3000 cals minimum for males
It is better to eat more than that though.
I do not gain weight on this diet and I gain weight easy!!!!
Also drink a gallon of water a day, preferably DISTILLED water.