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Re: So ill at 19 years old? Please help
BrightSideOfLife Views: 1,447
Published: 11 y
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Re: So ill at 19 years old? Please help

It's very widespread and your not alone! However it depends on the exact location it attacks as to how it affects a persons health.

In you and me it hits a location which has a reflex effect on the hypothalamus/pituitary which has a far more noticeable effect than other locations which affects lesser systems.

It's an unidentified bacteria which makes it much harder to beat. I am attempting to get the items that I believe will give me the best chance of beating it but that is proving frustrating because they are not easily available. I have not yet found anyone who is willing to supply me because I am not a research establishment or company.

I have beaten the biofilm once, which was a big surprise. It made me very ill and I slept the whole day. Plans have changed since then and I won't give it any chances next time. It's adapted so what I used no longer works therefore I have had to come up with alternatives which is difficult because it is unidentified and therefore using substances to target it cannot be done. However I have come up with a few things which I believe should cause the biofilm to break up, providing I can get them! I also have some things to speed up healing of the digestive system which is essential because having a giant whole in the mucus membrane is not what is needed in the digestive system. However even there I still need a few components which are also difficult to purchase.

Primarily, what causes all the problems is a bacteria but biofilms can contain multiple organisms therefore it might not be alone. However candida is unlikely if you have no other symptoms.

I have a lot of information on this so far. How it works, how it creates the problems and what it does to survive - taking advantage of the human bodies normal processes. How the digestive system hyper permeability (aka Leaky Gut) benefits it and why it maintains it and the problems it creates to eliminate it. Where the bacteria is, precisely, where it affects, multiple locations, in me it's 10 and my digestive permeability is several order of magnitudes greater than all but a tiny fraction of a percentage of other sufferers even though my symptoms are considerably less than the majority. It's a nasty piece of work! However I am reluctant to reveal the information I have because of my plans and the copyright policy on this forum. This bacteria has taken almost everything from me, my education, my life, my career, friends, family, almost everything except my will and determination and I HATE THE F'ing thing! I use that anger to drive me to defeat it and wipe it out where ever it may be. I am not giving that away on a forum for someone that I do not know! I have given you the cause which is correct and will be proven eventually. There are numerous red herrings and many things which only treat an aspect of the biofilm which is why they can take years to have any effect. It's only when certain things come together that they MIGHT succeed and that is because they do not treat the root cause which is a biofilm.

There is research being done on the permeability of the digestive systems of Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome patients in the UK. That will not be published for another 2 years. I can very easily predict the results that that research will give.


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