I too have a horrible sweaty feet and foot a odor that is simply the worst ever. I can't hardly stand it myself and I'm so embarrassed by it some days I just want to end life. I can't go any where and be around people especially in a closed space because the odor is too strong. I've ruined every pair of my expensive shoes. I have spent so much money on every thing on the market and nothing has helped. My podiatrist says I have hyperhidrosis and has prescribed a Rx deodorant and antiperspirant, but it has not helped in the least bit. I'm at such a loss as to what to do. I'm a very clean person with my hygiene and I wash my feet in every type of solution imaginable that I've read on the internet, but nothing works. I take vitamins on a daily basis and I'm reading this article and I see you say Vitamin B deficiency can cause smelly feet. I'm going to the store right now and getting a powerful Vitamin B to try it. I'm perplexed as to what to do. This just started about a year ago and it is really depressing me! My neighbor said one day when we were standing outside that she smelled a dead rat. I could not bring myself to tell her it was my feet.