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Brain Shrinkage in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
joegrane Views: 3,498
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Brain Shrinkage in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

That's probably because both Alzheimers and AI/AF are symptoms of mercury (Hg) toxicity.

You can read about that in the writings of a couple of PhD chemists who are active in heavy metal detox--Andrew Cutler and Boyd Haley.

Haley, the former chair of teh chem dept at the U of KY, has a number of Youtube videos on the subject and a paper or two.

Haley says that a hormone receptor that is related to pituitary hormones ACTH FSH, etc holds onto Hg about as well as anything can. He says people with a number of mercury Amalgam fillings have roughly the same amount of Hg in the blood as ACTH!

Cutler has largely recovered from his Hg toxicity and had AI/AF. He has quite a few sections on it in his book, Amalgam Illness Diagnosis and

You might check out the video by the U of Calgary on one effect of Hg on brain cells. Haley explains more in his videos.

more could be said.!



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