As Bob Beck has said
As Bob Beck has said, the only thing keeping the devices and procedures mentioned in these pages from working is if a person doesn't use them. Too many times I have listened to people complain repeatedly about their health problems, declaring they are willing to do almost anything to get relief. Yet these same people somehow never quite manage to actually do anything.
Just tried the new multipulsar from Altered States,,it has an adjustable magnetic pulse from .05-75 bpm and its over 7 gauss at 9 bpm, works well for us
There are four parts to The Beck Protocol.
1. Blood Electrification/Purification
2. Colloidal Sliver:
3. Pulsed magnetic fields
4 Ozonated Water:
the multi pulser has the first three
we also found this very interesting
Here we show that the ability of ultra-low intensity and frequency PEMFs to selectively kill
Breast Cancer cells depends exquisitely on field parameters. MCF-7
Breast Cancer cells are selectively vulnerable to PEMFs within a discrete window of PEMF signal parameters and times of exposure with resolutions of mTeslas and tens of minutes, respectively. Using five independent means of monitoring cancer cell death we obtained identical findings; selective killing of MCF7 cells was best achieved with PEMFs of 3 mT peak-to-peak magnitude, at a pulse frequency of 20 Hz and duration of exposure of only 60 minutes per day. By stark contrast, this same pulsing paradigm (cytotoxic to MCF-7s) was innocuous to normal MCF-10 breast cells. PEMF-based therapeutic strategies might thus provide a manner to control certain classes of cancer while minimally implicating healthy tissues. Source