Leonard Horowitz leads the interview & discussion
Leonard Horowitz: I think it would be important to start with our guests’ background & a little bit knowledge of that – what they experienced. Because I sure they have their heartache & their challenge of looking at what actually happened.
And, just for your information folks, this is an opportunity to tell everything that is really on your hearts & in your minds that concern you about the treatment of Thomas & what happened.
And, it’s a show that actually deals with the greater truths that the Main Stream Media don’t deal with. And we’re very concerned about the corruption. Not only in medicine & health care, but in government generally. We don’t believe, necessarily, in vaccinations. We don’t believe in the biological weapons industry. And many of us believe that Ebola is extremely suspicious, if not highly probable a biological weapon. And that Thomas, your relative, is obviously the first victim here in the United States. The story is extremely important. And your presence, here, and testimony on this show is I think is very, very important & historic.
So, let me thank you for joining us, welcoming you here, and also encouraging you to tell us exactly how you feel what went on, so that everyone can learn what your story is.
Josephus Weeks (newphew): I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t get your name.
Leonard Horowitz: Sure, Josephus. My name is Dr Leonard Horowitz. I’m the author of seventeen books, including the book, “Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola, Nature, Accident or Intentional”, that many people internationally herald as the definitive work in the field of exposing the origin of Ebola from biological & pharmaceutical weapons laboratories, linked to the vaccine industry. And that is why I bring a lot expertise & science & medicine & virology to the question as to what is happening & what happened.
Josephus: I appreciate your answer doc, that’s why I came on the show. I heard that there was somebody that had knowledge on what is going on here. The only question I have to ask you, since you are knowledgeable on the subject matter is: Why is there only black people that die from Ebola?
Leonard Horowitz: Thank you for asking that question. It’s the same damn question that I’ve been asking for a long time. In my opinion, based on the evidence, it’s a genocidal weapon. And, I base that evidence on the fact that it was Henry Kissinger who virtually ordered it. We know that he absolutely ordered it.. We know he absolutely ordered Admiral Zumwalt from the Navy.
Back in 1969, when Henry Kissinger took over as National Security Advisor, under Richard Nixon, overseeing CIA, FBI & foreign policy. He ordered the Navy’s Admiral to do a reassessment of America’s Biological Weapons capabilities, because he was looking for alternatives to nuclear weapons. And, within a couple weeks Admiral Zumwalt delivered to Kissinger the report, whereby Kissinger, then selected the option to develop the immune system ravaging viruses for germ warfare. Those included the AIDS-like & Ebola-like viruses. They included the viruses like Ebola, like the immune system destroying cancer-causing viruses, such as AIDS. These viruses were then recombined, primarily in Litton Bionetics Research Labs. It was a medical subsidiary of the mega-military weapons contracting firm called Litton Industries. The president of the company was also near Kissinger – right down the aisle in the Nixon White House – Roy Ash was the president of Litton Industries. The president of the company was also near Kissinger – right down the aisle in the Nixon White House – Roy Ash was the president of Litton Industries. And he was also the director of American Industry back in 1969, appointed by President Nixon.
And Kissinger’s money – the money that was obtained for the creation of these immune-system-destroying “new” viruses – they were designer viruses. In the AIDS area, they recombined Leukemia, Lymphoma & Sarcoma – cancer complex viruses, that produced a never before seen cancer complex that we call AIDS today.
And Kissinger selected the option to develop these. And it was known to Kissinger that it would cost $10 million – two million dollars per year over five years, to develop these kinds of viruses. In fact, if I can remember the quote… from my memory, I read it so many times, it was shocking beyond all measure because it gives you a description, virtually, identical description of what the AIDS virus is & does.
It stated, and this was in the Congressional Record…and it was censored from the Congressional Record – it was pulled from the Congressional Record… an Air Force Officer – a black American Air Force officer found this document. It was a Congressional Record that had been basically pulled from the Congressional Record & classified. It stated:
“Over the next 5 – 10 years it will be possible to produce a new infective microorganism that could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease causing microorganism. And most important of these, is that it might be refractory to the immunological & therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious diseases.” (from memory)
So, the reality is that they just describe the AIDS-like & Ebola-like viruses, the difference between those two viruses, primarily, is that AIDS is a very slow & profitable killer of large populations. The Ebola is a very rapidly-acting population destroyer. And the recombinants that they use, based on my three-year, full-time investigation into the origin of AIDS & Ebola, I conclude… and, in fact, the conclusion is based on my having reprinted, in black & white, United States government contract, under which these types of viruses were bio-engineered by Litton. And the evidence indicates that the origin of Ebola was from Litton Labs in recombining, what was called Rhabdovirus Simian – two viruses. One was a rabies-type of virus that ran in rodents. It caused rabies in rodents. And they pulled that virus from the rodents, and then they started incubate it to produce a new virus, called Rhadovirus Simian – a rabies virus that now was able to infect monkeys, and then chimpanzees, non-human primates. Monkeys or chimpanzees, rather, are very, very close, genetically, to the human genome.
And so, once they had the capacity to infect chimpanzees with this mutated virus, then they had what we’re witnessing today – a biological weapon of mass-destruction called Ebola. And then, I further tracked the origin of Ebola, particularly the Ebola Zaire Strain that we’re told what is causing the outbreak in Africa & what killed your brother & blood relative Thomas is Ebola Zaire.
And the first Ebola Zaire outbreak took place the same exact time that the AIDS virus first broke out. In 1976, in New York the first AIDS case was discovered in clinical practice there. And the Ebola outbreak in Zaire occurred at the same time. And that we know from reviewing the scientific literature, that because this was such a novel outbreak & it was so deadly, that the scientists worldwide were very interested in finding out what caused this, because they didn’t want more of the disease to spread. And so they called a few conferences, whereby the leading experts came & discussed the matter. And what they determined was that 500 animals were shipped causing the initial outbreak of the mother of Ebola back in 1967. In 1967, and that relates to the two years later – remember what I said – over the next 5 to 10 years… again, going back to the quote, this is from the Congressional Record dealing military biological warfare. The classified document stated:
“Over the next 5- 10 years…” this was a 1969 document for 1970 funding, it says… “it will be possible to produce a new infective microorganism that could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing microorganism. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to immunological & therapeutic processes.”
Well, how did they know that? Who wrote that?
Well, they wrote it because military biological warfare, just like in every other aspect of military, the research & development, like at DARPA, goes on & is far more advanced that what we, the consumers, are led to believe. So, the intelligence agencies, who were in charge of biological weaponry, informed the Congress that over the next 5-10 years, based on their knowledge, that two years earlier, they had the mother of Ebola, called Marburg, break-out.
In !967, you had three vaccine production labs in Europe – Belgrade Yugoslavia, Frankfurt Germany & Marburg Germany, where the Marburg virus got its name. And that’s where the mother of Ebola, which was virtually the same thing as Ebola, broke-out. Then the researchers, when they gathered to discuss the Ebola Zaire outbreak, and earlier the other Marburg outbreak…
So, the researchers gathered to discuss the crisis, just like today… well in 1967 there was a crisis. And that crisis was that 500 animals, they determined, were shipped from Litton to the vaccine production labs to produce a vaccines for what was called Marburg – actually, it was not called Marburg at that time, it was called the Rhadovirus Simian. And just like today, they’re talking about developing vaccines, on fast-tracking them for the Ebola Zaire… Well, they have many vaccines in the biological warfare labs in the military area & ultimately that’s the history that gives us today the Ebola outbreak...
So basically, the scientific symposiums actually that… Dr. Rudolph Siegert was one of the leading experts, you had others –Dr. Sy Kalter, from the Southwest Laboratories… these are the world’s leading experts. And these kinds of viruses, and these kinds of outbreaks, they all discussed the matter & they all concluded that it was the laboratory. They didn’t mention Litton Bionetics, they suppressed that, they censored that, because of the liability issues.
But I was able to find the United States government contracts. In fact, the specific contract under which the AIDS-like & the Ebola-like viruses were bio-engineered by Litton, is specifically NIH #71-2025. It was entitled “Investigations of Viral Carcinogenisis in Primates” (http://www.originofaids.com/articles/early.htm), that’s cancer production by viral infections in chimpanzees & humans.
So that’s the study. And then there was a “sister”, or an accompanying contract to the Merck Pharmaceutical Company to develop the vaccines. Because, again, when you understand that’s where the money is, the depopulation is in the virus, and the fortune is in the vaccines.
So, they were producing vaccines, and, you know, before you make a vaccine, you have to have the virus. So they produced the viruses first, and then they were able to produce the vaccines. So the “sister contract” was NIH Grant No. 71-4059, I believe it was. I can’t remember exactly which number that was. But we published, you can look for it yourself. And I just posted it with Sheri, Sheri & I just the other day posted a 36 minute video production called Viral Immunity, that we did to bring attention, worldwide, to what I just said, showing you the government documents & the contracts. You can actually stop the video, and read the documents for yourself. But we laid it all out, and that is what I basically have to share.
Sheri: So, do you have any questions?
Relative of Thomas: My question is: Does this present government... Is this being done again right now in this day & time to make money?
Leonard Horowitz: I think what you asked is: Is it being done to make money? If that is your question... Yes, its true. That's what its being used for. You can read that. You can watch Wall St. & the major companies that have made money off of the Ebola outbreak are the drug companies & the vaccine producers.
So the answer to the question is: Absolutely Yes! But people have to realize that the same people that money from the drug companies, they also have their directors who are announcing that they need to have an major depopulation. Their concern about the economy, about people rioting, and revolutions happening. And so, they have already said in many, many ways, by many people who... For example, Bill Gates. Bill Gates is the world's leading vaccine trafficker through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
And you can go on youtube & you can watch Bill Gates' TED Conference, wherein he absolutely clearly states that he loves vaccines because they will reduce the population by 15 percent. Now, that doesn't even make sense for anyone who thinks that vaccines are good.
Why would, if its good, if its healthful for healing & protection, would it cause over 800 million people to die?
Well the answer to that is because the vaccines are not good! The vaccines contain a whole variety of toxic substances that ultimately result in infectious diseases, as well as other autoimmune diseases - like we got 86 new autoimmune diseases - chronic fatigue, fibromiagia, lupus, MS, ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease, chronic crippling Rheumatoid Arthritis, Adult Juvenile Type 1 Autoimmune Diabetes, Guillain Barre - that my mother died from in 1976 after taking the Swine Flu vaccine.
Basically, this is what we're looking at - the new plagues, including the cancers have resulted from vaccine contaminations, or vaccine ingredients. The autistic spectrum disorgers in our nation's youth that have been sky-rocketing is from the mercury. There's mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, ormalin, MSG, Polysorbate-80. There's stabalizers & sterolysers in the vaccinations that are causing people to go sterile. Children are being damaged left & right! All of the vaccines are suspect.
And so, its not only for making money, but when you make a population sick, for example, the Walgreens & CVS pharmacies & Long's Pharmacies tell you "Come get your vaccines!" "If you get vaccinated, we'll give you 10-15-20% off of your shopping bill."
Well, what's the gimmick? Nobody gives away, especially a multi-national corporation, vaccines for free. Its not simply humanitarian. Basically, when people take the vaccines, they get sick. And then they go back to the drug companies, the pharmaceutical firms, and outlest - the drugstores. They get more medicines, they go to the doctors - it drives the industry.
And, just like you raised in the beginning of this program, "why does Ebola, or why in the beginning did AIDS primarily effect, and supposedly 'outbreak' from the people from Africa. The answer is: That is a targeted population that has been routinely, regularily targeted. The continent of Africa is rich with natural resources. And the industrialist have sought repeatedly to monopolize.
And Liberia, in the recent example of Ebola, we had coinciding with the outbreak, you had major contracts under negotiations, and oil well operations from Chevron, as well as Exxon-Mobile, beginning off the coast of Liberia. You had also other iron & steel industrialists who have been implicated in the intial outbreak with Patient Zero with Ebola.
And so we're looking at gathering additional evidence, of course, but the evidence that we have already, makes it outrageously clear, that we're not simply dealing with a virus, Ebola, that broke-out from Fruitbats! That's the story. In fact the story is absurd, its absolutely stupid! And the scientific world should clearly object. And the physicians who are half-intelligent should be able to see through the transparent fraud. Because Fruitbats, which they're claiming that was the most likely source of Ebola.
Well, first of all, Ebola-Zaire is the strain that is going around today - the first one I mentioned, 1976. So that's 38 years that the same strain that came out now, 38 years later, over a thousand miles away! Well, Fruitbats don't travel a thousand miles, and they don't live for 38 years to transmit the same exact virus that mutates rapidly. Even if it was a Fruitbat, it wouldn't come out the same strain, it would have mutated numerous times. It wouldn't be Ebola-Zaire strain, it would be some other strain that we're looking at. So, you're looking at an absolute outrageous consumer fraud that's perpetrated to benefit, minimally, the drug industrialists & the vaccine industry.
And ultimately, what you needed to have Ebola-Zaire 1976 strain come out 38 years later in 2014 is a refrigerator! You needed a refrigerator, a laboratory refrigerator. In fact, a special refrigerator only available in Biological Weapons Research & Development facilities. In fact, special ones - Level 4 BioHazzard Containment facilities, or one of very few drug companies that have that kind of sophisticated refridgeration & technology for this kind of an operation.
Putu Commenting: That is alot, alot, alot of knowledge there that you share. What it is... I have a couple questions... What would say to West African who have been educated in Europe, America, or China that have been educated in the medical field or pharmaceutical companies who find what you are saying challenging. Why is it they have the credentials are in...
Yeah, my question was... right now it seems that they're saying Ebola is going down... the numbers are going down. The next phase is the experimentation of the drugs or the vaccines, and things of that nature. What is the solution to that, you know the people who are facing this day to day... some people say, okay, we don't have the vaccine? Is there an alternative? And what evidence of these alternatives, even though they are on the holistic front? How can we test that & to look into those type of options?
So there are two questions: What would you say to the West African Liberians/immigrants who are medical practitioners who find what you are saying challenging?
And two: What are some practical solutions in the here & now, with respect to the history that you have just shared.
Leonard Horowitz: Well, the first thing that I would urge those folks to do is if they don't have the time to read the book, "Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola, the best thing I could recommend is they go on to Vimeo.com/revolutiontelevision . That's our channel on Vimeo - Revolution Television Channel. And watch the Viral Immunity [video] that we produced & you'll get a crash course in what we are talking about.
What we're also talking is called 'denial,' that is a natural response for any human being when faced with a horrible reality check, or horrible catastrophe, involving life or death - Elisabeth Kubler Ross' Death and Dying Model. Its very much related, because when you're a health care professional, like what I am, you go through years & years of training, and you're tracked, you're basically brainwashed, into thinking exactly like your university professors & the so-called 'experts' that make you think is the right thing.
And so, we're actually indrocrinated, we're not necessarily educated, and we're given information whereby, suddenly now, in this situation, it doesn't work, its wrong & you obviously see that you've been defrauded. Well, the normal response is to go into denial. And after that, says Elisabeth Kuble Ross' Death & Dying Model, is that you get angry - you start to get angry. And after you go through anger, you start to gain more acceptance, and ultimately you move on with your life.
And that's exactly the process that we health-care professionals have to go through, having been defrauded. And I personally have been repenting all these years, between 1990 & 1993 I personally educated over 30,000 health-care professionals. And I routinely recommended vaccinations. I was on the lecture circuit for the world's leading generic drug maker - Henry Shine Corporation - I was training health-care professionals in the behavior aspects of AIDS, how to deal with the behavioral fears & the concerns that both the public & the health-care professionals had. And I used to routinely recommend sterolization, dissinfection, waste disposal, barrier protections and routinely vaccinations.
And so I didn't learn correctly. I was miseductated. And, I was shocked when I learned about the risks of vaccinations. And then, I subsequently learned between 1993 & 1996 did the research for Emerging Viruses, and then find out that the AIDS-like viruses were produced by the labs. You know I was in shock. It took me weeks to come out of the shock. Ultimately, I was angry, I then ultimately took that anger to work doing the kind of work that I am best known right now, which is the Vaccine Risk Awareness Movement.
And so, you can turn lemons into lemonade, but it is a shocker. So that is the answer to your first question. And the second question is most urgent. Which is: How do you effectively treat Ebola, or virtually any disease. And the answer is: Again, you want to turn lemons into lemonade... You take the Ebola crisis & you spread the word about how it was... that the white doctors that came over to Africa were effectively treated, and like you recently saw the nurse to go onto heal... suddenly, they don't have Ebola anymore. So the mortality, here, is much lower than it is over in Africa because of the protocal. And part of the video, the Viral Immunity video that I recommended to you, has a 9-step protocal. And that protocal should be spread around by everyone, especially in Africa, where now you are dealing with this crisis.
You got to realize that what happened for the patients that came & were successfully treated in America, it begins with #1 - rehydration. You got to realize that when you're basically having the Ebola infection & you're having diarrhea & you're having vomiting & you're losing body fluids, as well as minerals - you've got to replace the fluids. That's rehydration.
The second step is: Alkalinization, that when you are drinking water, actually medicinal waters are available. If you are able in Africa, the challenge is to get good pure water, but you can do sorts of things, such as fresh squeezed lemon or lime contains alot of calcium. So when you squeeze calcium into water it turns into calcium hydroxide, which is a buffer. So, it alkalinizes the water. So we recommend a pH8 or pH9 drinking water to re-establish hydration in an infected body, or even in a person that wants to prevent an infection - you basically alkalinize your body chemistry. And the infectious diseases, including Ebola, don't do well in an alkalinized environment.
So that's step-1 is rehydration & step-2 is Alkalinization. Step-3 is remineralization. You know that we're made of 80% seawater & 20% lava rock. That's what we're made of as human beings. The blood, the serum, is like seawater & the body itself is made of protein - and they're made of minerals. All of the elements in the periodic table is sourced from the lava rock - the minerals. And so this is what we're made of, we have to replace it if we're losing it because of diarrhea & vomiting. That is what you need is good re-mineralization and, obviously, good nutrition. Because the good nutrition, then, replenishes the minerals.
And so then, there is your first three steps. Step-4 is Oxygenation. The oxygenation chambers, the oxygen machines, the oxygen tanks... every way that you can put more oxygen into your body, including exercise. I know for people sick down in bed, can't exercise. But for the rest of us, everybody that can put more oxygen into your body, it becomes a tremendous impediment for diseases to grow in an oxygenated body. You've got a great preventative strategy by going out exercising routinely, aerobic exercising, swimming is great, walking briskly - that is wonderful to keep the body oxygenated.
So Step-4 is Oxygenation therapies. I've been recommending, instead of military troops with guns, they should military troops or humanitarians over there with oxygenation tanks & technologies for oxygenating the poor patients. I visited in Kenya Basil Wainwright, who was prohibited from practicing medicine in the United States. Well, His Excellency Arap Moi, a Christian President of Kenya, brought Basil Wainwright from America & set him up in an AIDS lab & clinic in Kenya. I visited them there, and I witnessed them transfusing blood with Ozone - with "medical Ozonation." They call it "polyetheric oxygen", and that produced miraculous healings in many patients. And some of them went down zero virolo.
And so this is what we see in oxygen, its no mystery. Most of the germs that cause harm - the pathogens - they're anaerobes, they don't like oxygen. You hit them with oxygen, it wreaks havoc with their cell membranes. It robs the electrons from their cell membranes, and that electron produces all the energy in the universe. Literally, if you want to deplete a virus of energy, you rob its electrons. And that's what happens when people get acidified - their body chemistries become acidified, instead of alkalinized. You see, when you alkalinize the body, you're adding more energy - you're adding more electrons.
And the chemistry is well-known in the world of science medicine, it is the hydroxl radical - coming from the water molecule. Its H+ plus OH- equals H2 2O. Well, the OH- is what we're talking about. The minus (-) is the electron, and that electron placed on the Oxygen gives the availability of, not only zapping the infectious diseases, but also oxygenating the entire organism. And we're living off of oxygen - we're oxygen breathers, that's what keeps us all alive. And so, Oxygenation Therapy is Step-4, oxygenation resources would be wonderful anywhere that you're treating any infectious disease.
And then, Step-5, because we're dealing with electrons, we're obviously dealing with energy, and we're dealing with energy machines. And they've been suppressed just like oxygenation therapies have been suppressed. You have the Rife technologies have been suppressed, that viruses themselves are protein crystals. Years ago Ella Fitzgerald, in a commercial for BASF Tapes - the audiotape company - she sang a high-pitched note & the crystal glass in her hand shattered. But the room that she was in... the ceiling didn't come caving-in on her, it was just the crystal glass that shattered. And, just like that, your body can withstand frequencies that will kill off the viruses, specifically.
So, through Rife frequency generators, some people call them 'zappers', you can actually zap the varmints that are causing these infectious diseases, and then leaves your body free again. The challenge with that is you got to watch out for what is called the Herxheimer Reaction - when you zap the viruses, so many [varmints] are killed off so rapidly, but it causes your bloodstream with pieces of the virus. And that causes flu-like symptoms for up to 48 hours. You won't die, especially if you're well hydrated. If you're not well-hydrated and/or well-oxygenated, then you're susceptible to death from the Herxheimer Reaction. But in developed nations, such as America, because all you have to do is replenish your fluids & alkalinize, and that's what we also see when we recommend Oxy-Silver.
Now, beside the energy medicine, which is Step-5, we recomment oxy-silver, imo its one of the best silver hydrosol on the planet. Its the most powerful, because of the way its manufactured to resonate in 528 Hz. And that creates a whole new type of mechanism for healing. The oxygen in oxy-silver is unique silver hydrosol, its well known that silver destroys germs.
And the blue bloods, as a matter of fact, its well-known in natural medicine, that the reason why, during the Great Plague - "the black death" - why was the royalty & the aristocracy remained healthy, when it was the poor people who died. Well, the aristocracy & the wealthy were eating with silver utensils - so when they were eating with silverware, then some of the silver was ingested & that was enough to keep them free from the infectious diseases. And so, the same thing today, we now know that silver & the micro fine silver hydrosols can eliminate the world's infectious diseases very, very inexpensively, highly effectively, with virtually no risk. And that knowledge would put the vaccine industry & the anti-biotic manufacturers - the drug companies - out of business. And, it would also save our environment.
So, this is part & parcel of what we are dealing with is gross suppression of the natural cures such as the nano silver - it comes from NASA to help keep their astronauts healthy in space. In space you have to reuse water. An infectious disease, a calder of of flu, could totally devastate, ruin the space mission, and cost a billion dollars. Well they developed a new type of silver hydrosol to eliminate that risk. And it bonded this micro-fine silver to the oxygen in the water molecule... [47:20]
After you understand silver hydrosols and how they could be easlily used, I recommend, instead of the 750 million dollars, that are spent for military, you put up 750 milliond dollars each in each country. You could establish oxy-silver production facilities & you could eliminate the world's infectious diseases that way, very easily.
So, the last recommendations are love & faithful prayer. And you witnessed this with the nurse who was restored & overcame the Ebola infection recently in the United States. Loving care, as well as faithful prayer, in my opinion, are powerful. And that they can be helpful in every way. Again, for people who want to study oxy-silver, you see how we integrate even that understanding in the manufacturing of oxy-silver.
Those are the nine protocols. Again, for those of you who have access to the internet, go to Vimeo.com Revolution Television Channel, and watch the video called Viral Immunity Top Secret Disclosures. And freeze-frame on the 9-Step Protocols for Ebola treatment frame, make a copy of it, you can take a screenshot of it, and you can send it to all of the health professionals all over the world. That is the recommendation for Ebola & virtually every other infectious disease.
King Jauz (Activist, along w/ Putu in Liberia - website: LibertyShine.com): One of the main things I am interested in is to learn more about oxy-silver & how to get this product down here in bulk at a humanitarian price. What is happening right now, it seems that since the presence of the CDC & the WHO down here, you know, they're pretty much assuming jurisdiction on being the only organization that are the "experts." And they're saying that they are the only one that can put this thing... their stamp is not on it... its not critical... and we know.
So, one of the things they're trying to rush the country using the argument that "Oh, Ebola is dangerous. And, its a need of urgency right now, so we need to save lives, so we need to get this product(?) down here as quickly as possible, so people can start taking it.
We don't want to be put in the position where we're being used as guinea pigs. We also have knowledge that, or course, there's a patent for the Ebola virus. One thing, we'd like to get access to that information. And having that information, we're doing what we can through our grass-roots initiatives to put that information out just to people on guard. But, in addition, to disdain the problem, we'd also like to move forward to an alternative solution. Instead of just telling people... "Oh, yes this this virus... we hate it." Where do we go from there. We want to give options, and prepare ourselves, now - what do we do about it. We found out these guys are not really, you know, they're not really here in our best interests. What other avenues are there that we can go about to get a solution. And that is one of the solutions that has reached my radar - the Oxysilver. So, my main concern is how can we get a substantial amount here.
In Africa, if we can distribute it on a grass-roots level. Because, I don't think that they're... when I say 'they', I'm referring to the Liberian government, the CDC, as well as the WHO. They're not willing... We can't go through that channel. So we have use our own influence through the grass-roots to disseminate amongst the population in our own way. So how do we get any of it down here in bulk?
Dr Horowitz: Well that's a challenge that I think requires you to actually manufacture it & the technologies for doing that are available. You mentioned the Ebola patent. Well, the patent that NASA & the NASA scientists that have originally used for Oxy-silver development, I understand, is a patent pending, I believe, and that is online.
I know what you can do is you can have anyone call me. I would be happy to talk to them about the possibility of actually setting up any country...
Jauz: I'll be that person
Dr Horowitz: You know, but again, its outrageous that the United States federal government doesn't disclose what NASA science used to keep the astronauts healthy in space. There were investers. There are investers in that invested in that technology. They have that technology. They have that know-how. I agree with you, I think that manipulation & the monopolization that is ongoing, here, is outragous, genocidal, and we the people have to move forward ourselves, because governments are acting criminally. Just the concept that the CDC & the World Health Organization is monopolizing the care.
Now, I can understand if you've got a biological weapon, what we have here, you got to have a group of people that, I'm sure that Halliburton has gotten involved in it, with the entire suits & the technologies that are required to control the infectious diseases - the hazmat suits, etc. That's a big industry, and that's challenging. But that's where the government's money certainly should go for helping clear up the bodies, and basically help to stop the spread of the diseases.
The Oxy-silver option is certainly there. I am not the first person in the world, like I just said, to have this opportunity and to spread this technology. Alot of other people are aware of this technology. But I would be happy to communicate with any of the ministers. We've done it already. I've put out a half dozen letters to various ministers, in various countries in Africa. And I have offered the opportunity to develop this kind of technology. And I've not gotten any responses.
Sherri: Do you have any connections with anyone within the government of Liberia, someone good within the government that would be willing to have this option for the people? Or are they just siding with the WHO & the CDC? Because I don't think that people that are actually in the government, that are running it, want to do what the CDC & the WHO want them to do. I know Dr Horowitz has met with people in places in Africa, right?
Leonard Horowitz: Yes, the sad thing is that the money comes from the World Bank [U.N.]. And the African nations, just like the poor people here in the United States, they go on social services, and food stamps, and welfare, and then they become addicted to that system. So, likewise, in most of the nations in Africa that are dependent on the World Bank. The World Bank has a string attached. They say, "Well, we'll give you money, but you have to take our vaccines." And that's how the population control is ongoing, and why the government officials, in the various nations, don't do what you are talking about.
So, I would urge you to, first of all, to try to work with government officials. And if that doesn't work, then absolutely, the grass-roots organization that you've already started, you guys give me a call, and we'll try to figure out how we're going to get you the technology & the capacity to produce this Oxy-silver product.
Jauz: I think perhaps some of the details of that, how to go over the process of that, we can go through that on another call. Because there are people who are within the Liberian government that are connected to... who understand what's going on. But on a larger scale, the Liberian government may, or may not, embrace it because of the assumed part of at WHO or CDC, so we will definitely reach out.
I would say that to the listeners... on this radio program. Perhaps, either we can develop some grass-roots campaign for those in diaspora in & around the world to help assist this process, whether its funding, resourses, to kind of have an alternative for trying to seek aid, or a loan, from some organization, or bodies, that would have strings attached to it. Perhaps, the free & goodwill donations of the masses of people who understand the urgency, and the magnitude of what is going on, will be able to help sustain & help facilitate this whole process of a shipment [of oxy-silver], or what have you.
Sherri: I have a question. Are you aware that some of the people that have died of Ebola in Liberia had gotten the flu shot prior? Are you aware of any cases like that?
Jauz: From my own concensus, I am aware several people have died. Whether its from its soley from the virus or the vaccine, its left as a mystery. There have been cases when people went into the hospital with symptoms, but it wasn't one hundred percent proven whether is was Ebola or not, but there remained there. And then, and based on the symptoms & the treatment that they apply, so they basically remained in the hospital on their death beds.
Sherri: Jauz, are you witnessing any mandatory vaccinations happening right now over there?
Jauz: Eventually, I believe that is where they are trying to move to. It is my contention, with the presence of the military that is here, they are building alot of ETUs, Emergency Treatment Units. In preparation for building these ETUs, they're making some projections like, "Oh, by such & such time there will be 10,000 people will have died from the disease." And with such a negative projection is kind of alarming that the CDC would make such a projection like that... If 'you' [the CDC] were looking in the best interest of me, why would you make such a negative projection? Although, [unintelligible] Why would you make such a pessimistic projection? Its almost like you're telling me you want this virus to reach a quota of people to justify your presence out here. That is what it is basically saying. And with the presence of 3,000 military men down here. I believe, eventually, when they start their campaign, they're going to use the presence of the military to make this mandatory [vaccines], like a criminalizing illness, or they're going to criminalize it. And those who are going to refuse, it almost like their going to be penalized for refusing. I cannot forsee that happening if that is what they are moving to. It hasn't happened yet, but since yesterday, from what is happening, once we look we look at it & analyze it for sure... that's what they're trying to do
And to that degree, we also want to add that the connection between the U.S. military & the Liberian national police because sometimes they [U.S. military] sit in the background & allow the Liberian nationals to enforce such policies in the form that they're training & they're helping & they're assisting in a capacity of the armed forces of Liberia, and they're coming directly from the U.S. military per se. But it could come directly if that is their intent.
Sherri: Personally can I ask you, how many people have you witnessed that died from Ebola, or how many people do you know of that have died, and also how many people are you aware, even that you don't know, that have died from Ebola?
Jauz: According to the reports, there have been over 500+ cases, according to the statistics that they're giving out. Personally, I've known about 5 or 6 people over... One of them a close journalist friend of ours who interviewed us several times on the local radio station down here, a few years back, when we started our advocating campaign out here in Liberia. And he recently passed. And the cause of death, it was so shocking & alarming, all of a sudden that when I heard about it, especially was he was knowledgeable about alot of the things, more than the other citizens out here. He was very knowledgeable about the policies that the U.S. government... His death was so sudden, and all that we heard was like... the brother went to the hospital, and he actually was following the protocol - when he had certain symptoms, he actually called the ambulance himself when he started experiencing these symptoms. Thinking that he was doing himself a favor, and he was doing his friends a favor. But, apparently, when he went to the hospital, that's where he remained. And so, the 'official' cause of death they say was Ebola - and, it was kind of hard to prove it, or disprove it. Because that what they say.
It happened quick, it wasn't proven. The next thing you know... its really mysterious.... The context that Jauz is putting this in is that this was a radio personality who had the potential to really disseminate alot of valuable information to the people... So, its almost like certain personalities, or certain people... you know, we just don't know what's going on.
Sherri: Yeah, that's interesting... So, you guys are a little bit skeptical that maybe he didn't die from Ebola, maybe he died from something else?
Jauz: Yes, that's my assessment. That's what I'm thinking. That's why I'm more leaning more toward that. And that's just not one case though, that's not just one case, there's plenty more like that.
Sherri: I heard that there were people in Liberia that were actually saying that there were people with Malaria, but being diagnosed with Ebola. Have you heard that, too?
Jauz: Yes, at the beginning, when this thing took into effect, alot of cases, you got all of the symptoms of Ebola resembles Malaria which is very common down here. And people... we are known... so, after deciding .... (garbled)... control for Malaria... What was kind of frustrating was like, it was not a definite testing procedure to determine whether or not the individual had regular Malaria or Ebola! So when they first started, it was frustrating, because all of the symptoms of Ebola are also all the symptoms of Malaria. So, to determine what was what, they just ran a campaign that as soon as you see someone in your family, your loved one, your friend, vomiting, with diarrhea, and things - take precautions, be on guard, assume it could be Ebola. But, I also wondered, if it was part of the strategy, because Malaria is so common here, and its curable here in Liberia. Since Ebola was introduced, its like Malaria came second underneath Ebola now. Somebody sick from Malaria... & it was assumed that it was Ebola... and when you went to the hospital, you were either rejected or accepted as Ebola & quarantined, and started administering treatment, whether or not they were from Liberia, or not. It was very hard or difficult to prove. But some of the doctors that were here & the health professionals here that were trained to handle cases. So, they took them & assumed that it is fact Ebola.
So, that's one of the frustrations we're facing down here, to have the proper medical equipment to do a definite test. To do a definite test, that they can say, "Oh, yes this is Malaria. Or, yes this is Ebola." So determine those two to there be a differentiation between those two, its just a thin line. One could be either way, or either or.
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