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Should I up my drops
RoyalLove Views: 428
Published: 11 y

Should I up my drops

Should I up my dose of Iodine?

Here is a my short story. I have Hypothyroidism, Candida, adrenal fatigue, low cortisol severe food allergies . I got diagnosed with the candida Oct 2013 and did not start the candida diet and strictness until Feb 5,2014. I was diagnosed with all the other stuff mentioned above in April. In april I was put on Armour 30mg thyroid medicine then 2 months later they put me on 60mg. In May I started 2% Lugals Iodine 50 drops and all the supplements that go with it. I just got my blood work back and they are saying that my thyroid is still low but did not up my dose. Should I up my drops with the Iodine to help? Below I made a list of everything I am taking daily.

Iodine 2% 50 drops ( 5days on 2 days off)
ATP co factors 2x a day
Selenium 2x a day
Adrenogen 2pills a day
Adrenal optimized 2 pills a day
50,000 IU of D3 a day
60 mg of zinc a day
Vessel Care
Panax Ginseng
4 pills of the Thorne Vitamins
4 to 6 pills of Fish oil
60 mg Armour thyroid med

Thx for any feed back.



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