Thank you for replying that is wonderful and if you did not buy the videos but watched them free when they were available I can send you a link where they are showing once I get time to see if the people put them up yet so anyone who did not see them this is not the raw footage of the additional 34 hours just the 11 part documentary I posted to.
I am also overwhelmed with all the info and fitting it in but I though I have breast cancer triple negative did only minimal surgery and declined chemo, drugs, radiation, and lymph node check and removal and going natural and am going to go back to the save your life incurables program by Dr Richard Schulze
If you email me I can send you the chapter on Dr Schulze's incurables program on pancreatic cancer, and other pertinent chapters and his audio series on cancer etc
I am very backed up trying to deal with my own aggressive cancer and behind on emails so may take a while but I am going got put that chapter on here so people have it in the next post but to be forewarned I hjust read the entie chapter for you and he said he had the least success with this type of cancer but I would not let that stop you from adding his protocol to whatever else you learned..most of these other patients but to give you hope most of these went the other route and waited too long to start natural healing,..the fact you are still here fighting bodes well for keep us posted.
I post his pancreatic cancer below where he did have a very successful case history he discusses and I will send you link and some more chapters with email address sent to my inbox.