hi there i dont know how old this post is but i went through the same thing..but with two under five children thank goodnesss for the help of my mother i couldent even pick up my five month old my hands were too swolen and smelt like must my skin would crack and yes the crying in the shower...i am 90 per cent better i went on strong parasite herbs green juicing bentonite clay and phylium for a month and kumera quinoa were my staples very low acidic diet i was in this state for four years it was hell i now can juice fruit but i stay on a low acid diet and still take the parasite herbs as i know for a fact that when u have those tiny parasites that live in the blood they come back as soon as u eat fish or any thing they love and the asthma starts again aparently it can take months to break down cyst they form in the body so i have had to make it a lifestyle for now ...so i share your pain on this i also travelled alot before my kids everyone was telling me it was auto immune after having kids i knew it wasent cause i was basically a raw foodie before my kids but when i was pregnant with my boys i like most mums craved meat when i was pregnant and ate loads of it during my two very close pregnancys and this would have strted the cycle before because i was such a clean eater it would have keept theam at bay i understand this now by trial and error on so much ...hope my experience helped i have also had to put my kids on parasite cleanse which was fun they started showing symptoms but they r healthy now .