Re: Please help ! Saw Palmetto gave me painful side effects.
Sounds like low adrenal out put.
What kind of tests have you had done in the past?
Low blood pressure/ muscle fatigue/ joint pain/sluggish energy all sound like low adrenal output to me while racing heart and shakiness suggest some kind of adreneline or hypoglycemia trying to give you a boost of energy to make it through the day.
Have you tried regular supplements like vitamin c, b5 and licorice root.
How long had you been using saw palmetto? Even if this supplement did interfer with your testosterone production, I would think that levels would have come back to normal within a few months of stopping the supplement. But you say, you've been suffering for years? Do you have other stressors in your life?
Could also be a thyroid issue.
I would try with maybe some pregnenolone or adrenal cortex glandular. Then there is licorice root. I would add these slowly one at a time. Give one a few days before adding in another supplement and document how you feel.