FDA Allows Chemo Drugs To Be Prescribed As Antibiotics
This is a topic that I've talked about since 1999, when the talk about the end of the antibiotic era first began. Once, antibiotics become useless, the medical profession will resort to using chemotherapy. When antibiotics don't work, chemo is the next natural choice in the medical profession. The scenario where "Little Johhny's sore throat isn't responding to any of the antibiotics, so he's going to need chemo" will become more common.
Although the fluoroquinilone antibiotics talked about in this article behave in the same manner as chemotherapy drugs, they aren't typically thought of or discussed in that way. By being cytotoxic and targeting DNA however, they are by definition chemotherapy.
Beyond Fluoroquinilone, they are other cytotoxic antibiotics that attack the DNA and are considered chemotherapeutic antibiotics. Some of these that are being used include Doxil, Mitosol, Idamycin, and Ellence.
Although all antibiotics can be considered to be chemotherapeutic, be prepared to see a failing profession turn to stronger and stronger agents in their misguided quest to kill everything they don't understand.
FDA Allows Chemo Drugs To Be Prescribed As Antibiotics