It's my experience that Addys will kill all symptoms while on them, but the symptoms will return with a new vengeance for several days after the med wears off. Shit is really powerful. Google "morgellons and meth" and consider the suspected but unidentified relationship between amphetamines and morgs.
4 weeks of anthelminthics doesn't seem like so much to me. I did 4 months of vet med cocktails with no rest days before my body said "enough". When I stopped, a short but alarming skin symptom migration happened from my scalp to my extremities. I'm still using fenben, ivermectin, and prazi about 2 days monthly over a year later.
LOL at Open Eyes' comment about scattering, this is exactly how I feel when I read about scattering: They started everywhere for me and now I've limited issues to my scalp mostly.