When I look at this stuff it seems to show a mixture of problems. Some of the videos seem to be faked for different reasons. With people trying to get in for health care in the guise of ebola...then you may have people possibly taking videos of drills instead of actual events... Paid actors. Anything can be taking place.
Just because the media puts a label on something does not mean it is correct. All we can see in some videos are people with gear on. There is no face seen or time stamp to know if what we are seeing is truly what they say....and unless they were the one's that took the video...neither do they.
I believe there is a virus only because friends of mine know and worked with Dr. Brantly....unless.....
Putting all notions of NWO aside for a moment. A question that does roll around in my head at times about the possibility that it is fake is....would our government fake ebola as a means of testing the reaction of the people and of it's services to see if they were ready? In their eyes a harmless prank, but worthy to them because it allows them to find the "holes" in their plan of action and possibly saving thousands of lives in the future? I know I'm cutting them way too much slack with this idea but how in the world would anyone be able to "know" what to expect? Even the government? People and countries do not react or take action the same as they did 100 years ago. We didn't have all this technology and travel in the hands of so many people. Plus this could be a way of mass teaching people about what to expect. Preparing them.
Ok..I have now lost all credibility with that idea. lol