This is part of a post I made on the
Liver Flush Forum and I thought it might help people (dogs) here too. I had my dog on Springtime supplements but I did not see any progress and I did not like some of the ingredients so I switched her.
I had forgotten about the Syn.flex since it must be 6 years ago, but more than a month ago some one mentioned the product.
We just had adopted a 8 year old dog who did not run well and you could tell she had leg problems. Put her on supplements which did not seem to work. Then I got reminded of Syn.flex again and put her on it. One day this summer my
daughter said look at Emma run with the other dogs, she had gotten slowly better and was now able to keep up with the young dogs.
I have tried 2 bottles for myself too but I did not see any progress but I have 4 bad lower disks, may be I should have given it more time or it won't work for that.
(I just decided to order it for myself and give it more time)