meds advice from the experienced
Hello -
After making the rounds of doctors/tests, etc., my natural path has now prescribed me some meds, as she notes my yeast shows higher than any test she's ever administered.
I have one day of Ivermectin (2 x daily) & Abenzadole for 5 days (2x daily) .
My concern is I'm super busy at work, serving clients, etc. and looking at my calendar, there is no right time to take this. Yet, I need to start the process.
Any advice on how to bypass side effects would be greatly appreciated! I did note ICU's advice on how to better utilize Albenza.
I'm trying to weigh out how i can work, while anticipating how the die off and side effects will effect my challenging schedule. I can't take a week off of work; I can maybe get away with a day.
Thanking you in advice. Wishing all optimum health and healing.