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Re: Turn off the TV set
parazapper Views: 1,682
Published: 11 y
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Re: Turn off the TV set

If turiya thinks that Ebola is not a real issue, then they are seriously wrong. I avoid mainstream media except for occasional visits to FNN which while being in opposition to most other media is still heavily motivated.

I personally know that Ebola is killing people and it will likely kill many more. I talk to people who are directly involved and to people who have been there.

I am not impressed by the mainstreams videos which may be using actors like Sandy Hook. I do not concern myself with that. I am concerned about the real issues though. People are needlessly dying from not only Ebola, but Dengue, Malaria, and many other illnesses while the medical industry and health care professionals block and try to suppress cheap simple alternatives that can actually help.



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