Re: Please Help Me.. I am lost.. Want my Health Back
A few additional thoughts...
The body needs iron to use thyroid hormone.
If you are taking DHEA I suppose you know to stop or cut back. I agree about the possible link to DHT. You might want to get it tested.
You might do better with the precursor of DHEA--pregnenolone--since it feeds production of stress hormones as well as sex hormones.
Check out the list of symptoms of having a parasite.
If you also have some mood difficulties--poor stress tolerance,
Depression or ADD-- I suggest that you look into the possible involvement of heavy metals. They can cause or contribute to so many of your symptoms.
My health began its downward spiral around your age. There was no Internet at the time. Doctors were worthless. It was not until 15 yrs later that I started to make progress. Heavy metal detox (Cutler) including removal of the silver-mercury fillings has been an important part of the process of improving health