I rub them on my neck, the bottom of my feet or anywhere on my body.
It's also very important to stop Sugar and most carbs too. Added to that eat lots of coconut oil raw and cooked. I ate lots of butter too. Get your body to run on fats not carbs. I did do one or two yeast killing things too but I am not sure if that helped. Once my thyroid kicked in it started taking care of my yeast. This routine might start your thyroid in a week or six weeks. I have all sorts of systems when my thyroid is gearing up. I would get dizzy but a different kind of dizzy than my adrenals need salt. I could feel my thyroid shutter, My ears and throat felt like I am started to get sick. I fell pressure in my sinuses or have a very slight headache. I would sweat and lose weight. Take notice so that you don't get your thyroid going too fast. I was sweating alot and felt anxious then had to cut back to applying the oils and eating coconut oil once a week. I could then eat more carbs and some Sugar without my candida coming back.