I have a white coating on my tongue, itchy anus, sometimes and itchy basement, dry heals. Dandruff can also be a sign. Mine goes away when my thyroid starts working. Cortisol also gets in the way of your thyroid hormones. Your thyroid controls yeast. A cortisol surge will also cause a surge in yeast. So the doctor was right it is a sign of stress. I have a theory that the yeast then keep the thyroid from working at full capacity and then a vicious cycle starts with making your adrenals work harder therefore releasing more cortisol and then causing more yeast. My symptoms were so obvious I could feel this happening. I really think this is why a lot of people have a hard time getting control of their yeast.
You can do an $$ stool test for yeast or here is a link to a free test to do at home:http://www.nationalcandidacenter.com/candida-self-exams/