Re: Iodine and Dreams...
Dreams of teeth falling out; more that one loose power, cant bite back.. money may of course have a say in this.
10-20 years ago, I had dreams of jumping out of airoplanes, or skyskrapers. In the air I realized I had forgotten the parashoot...Ouch, bad feeling. Funny thing was that I did it over and over again. Even remembered in my dream that I have done this before. Why didnt I learn?:) Nightmare:)-and very typical me; I just jumped into whatever. But always landed on my feet, like a cat with 9 lives, also in the dreams.
When a danger or emotional upset was coming up; I dreamt of tsunamies, overfloodings, big muddy waves. (water=feelings)
Or about falling; if I or someone close to me was about to fall ill.
Now my dreams are usually peaceful, colorful, lots of events; also very typical of my life right now. But if something is up, the dreams show it to me; 1-2 weeks ahead. Darker colors, waves I can barely swim in, steep downhills, almost falling, rocks in the road.
Interpretion of dreams, individual of course. But do take notice of who is driving the car/other vehicle (who is really in charge?). And the house you are in=your body.